Cannabis Flower Oil

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Derived from a plant known as “hempi” is an essential oil known as Cannabis Flower oil. This essential oil is said to belong to the “Cannabis Sativa” species in the plant kingdom. This oil is basically pale yellow in colour, and comprises of about 140 different types of “terpenoids” (an organic compound). Furthermore, this oil is extremely is mainly used in as scent in perfumes, cosmetics, soaps, and candles. In addition, it is also used as flavouring agent in food especially in the manufacturing candy and many other beverages.

A. Chemical components of the Cannabis Flower Oil:

This oil is extracted from the upper leaves of a plant known as “hemp” belonging to the “Cannabis Sativa” family within the plant kingdom. In addition, this oil is extracted using a process known as “steam distillation”.  Furthermore, this oil comprises of a mixture of organic compounds such as monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, and several other “terpenoid” compounds. It also includes a Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) rich extracts that comprise of dried hemp flowers i.e. marijuana and resin i.e. hashish.

B. The uses and benefits of the Cannabis Flower Oil:

There are a few benefits one can derive by using this essential oil although one should also consider the adverse reactions or side effects reported from its use:

  1. Anxiety and stress: This oil is extremely useful in providing relief from “anxiety and stress” the most common health issue that human beings deal with on a daily basis in this highly competitive world that we live in.
  2. Insomnia: “Lack of sleep” is yet another serious health ailment that can be resolved by using this essential oil.
  3. Analgesic: “By enabling relief of pain” this essential oil serves as an ideal “Analgesic”.
  4. Antispasmodic: This oil possesses curative properties that suppresses “muscle spasms”, and thereby serves as an antispasmodic.
  5. Antiretroviral: This oil possesses medicinal properties that help in suppressing the growth of the lethal HIV (Humanimmunodeficiency) virus.
  6. Anticancerous: “Inhibition of the growth of cancerous tumors” is what this essential oil is capable of doing according to ongoing research.
  7. Antiepileptic: This oil has properties that prevent the occurring of frequent seizures, and hence serves as an ideal antiepileptic.

 C. The adverse effects of the Cannabis Flower Oil:

Apart from benefits this oil (like most others) also comprises of a number of adverse effects, and they are as follows:

  1. The use of this oil could cause irritation in the lungs.
  2. This oil when used could also lead to increase in heart rate.
  3. This oil use could also lead to decreased concentration and sex drive respectively.
  4. Finally, the frequent use of this oil could lead to dependence which is also commonly referred to as “addiction”.

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